REMEMBER WHEN ...A free, bi-monthly ezine which focuses on inner peace and stress-free livingJuly/August 2001
Contents: Editorial EDITORIAL
Do you find yourself searching for ways to bring balance into your life?
Are you overwhelmed with the demands of the Era of Technology and how it
has changed our society? Welcome to
Remember When a bi-monthly ezine which brings you information on the
important things in life—how to bring balance and peace back into your life.
Just like the Industrial Era, modern inventions (otherwise known as
Technology) have changed our lives, too.
During the Industrial Era, cities hosted new and existing businesses with
modern machinery to do the work of human hands.
Children moved from their family farms to seek adventure and fortune
leaving a void on the home front. Today,
we can chat with our family on-line (all members at the same time),
have information at our fingertips in the blink of an eye, cures are
being found, and people’s lives are being saved.
It is a phenomenon that brings many positive aspects to our lives.
The more we advance through the Technological Era, the harder we strive to
compete, with ourselves as well as other nations.
We encourage our children to learn more, to become well-rounded
individuals by learning to play musical instruments , and to be team players in
a favorite sport. We (try to)
motivate them to be the best they can be; and why not? We, adults and children
alike, are capable of all of these things.
So we keep on pushing and striving to be the best.
As we move forward we revel in the exhilaration of success and
achievement of ourselves and our children.
We have temporarily forgotten the basic principles of family life.
Perhaps this slight drawback occurred during the Industrial Era, perhaps
this is in part why our children feel the solution to their stress is to kill
others or themselves, perhaps this is why families (mothers) struggle with the
question, should I work or stay home with the children.
In any of these situations, I firmly believe the solution is blending the
wonderful changes technology brings
us with the traditions and lifestyles of the past (modified as needed!) How can this possibly be done? Visit Remember When bi-monthly to learn how to incorporate family traditions into your busy life, how to bring back the sense of “family” into your life, how to make decisions based on what you believe, and how to once again (or finally) bring a sense of peace to you and your family. Are you thinking, "impossible in the world of today?" I kid you not, I write from the experience of myself and my family. I want to share with you the knowledge I have gathered (and continue to gather) and incorporated into my life.
Enjoy the first issue of Remember When.
Each issue, new stories and ideas will be available for you to read at
your leisure. You can look forward
to inspiring stories and practical solutions to some of the challenges you face
each day. If you would like to receive an email or postcard reminder of the newest Edition of Remember When, send an email to: papercreationsbycarm@lycos.com In the Subject Line type - Send me an Email (or Postcard). Include your email address in the body. Feel free to include any comments, suggestions, or topics you would like to see covered in future issues.
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