


   Keeping In Touch


        How many times have you thought of your Aunt Betty?  How about Uncle Tom?  I’m sure you think of the special people in your life often.  Do they know you think of them?

            For me, unfortunately, the answer is no.  That is why, a few years ago, I made a New Years resolution to visit my  parents every other week.  With our busy schedule, and theirs, a whole month would pass by (sometimes longer) before they drove to see me.

My parents mean the world to me.  They are a very important part of my life; I was actually appalled at myself for allowing this to happen.  (If something bothers you, take action!).  I resolved to drive to their home every other week.  It has been two years now, and both our families have warm memories from this commitment of love.

But what about my Aunt Betty?  My Brothers?  Close Friends who live hours away—Bring back the excitement of a Letter In The Mail, and let them know you care.

 How Do I Find The Time?

  • First of all, Make The Time.  Schedule on your calendar, or to do list, one day a month that you will sit down for 30 minutes (15 minutes if 30 seems too long, at first) and write a letter or note to at least one person on your list.

  • Use your time Efficiently.  Make a “Keeping In Touch Kit” for your car, purse, or briefcase (actually keep one handy at home, too, with a larger supply of these items).  Include 5 pieces of stationery paper, 5 note cards, a few stamps, and 2 pens.  While you’re waiting in the doctors office, at the airport, on the plane, waiting for dance or soccer practice to finish, waiting for your meal at a restaurant, while you’re sitting watching your children play, waiting for your children to get off the bus, using up the last 15 minutes of your lunch break, or during your 15 minute work break.  I am sure you can think of a few other instances where you can fit in 15 – 30 minutes writing a few lines to a loved one.

  • Before you write the letter, Stamp and Address the envelope first.  This way, as you finish the letter (in a rush?), it is all set to put in the mail.

  • Keep a Master List of the people you want to start writing to.  You do not need to write to all of them every month.  Choose one or two people from the list each month.  Note the month/year next to their name.  The next month, write to the next one to two people on the list, noting the month/year next to their name, and the next month…you get the idea….

Whom Do I Write To?  

  • Anyone you think of and care about.  Let them know you are thinking of them.  For me it is going to be my Aunt Betty, Aunt Margarete, Aunt Loretta, my Brothers Fred, and Tommy, My Nieces Jessica and Kristen (maybe even their mom…even though we talk on the phone often), my mother and father-in-law, John and Joann – they love getting school work and pictures the kids have made, my cousin Mary who I have not seen or spoken to in…gosh…AGES, but I think of her several times of the course of the year.  I think you get the picture now.

What Do I Write About?

  • If you plan on writing to these people regularly (and I hope you do), you don’t have to cram your past year’s life into one letter.  Start off small even if it is just a few lines.  Tell them that you think of them often, and you plan to write future letters to keep in touch.  You can write about:  your job, hobbies, your pets (or those you’d like to have), you favorite Summer<fall, winter, spring> activity, crafts you enjoy doing, your favorite TV show, your favorite joke.

  • Ask them questions about themselves, their hobbies, crafts, TV shows, season activity etc.

  • Only write about one or two of the above subjects.  Use all of your senses as you write; describe the look, the feel, the sound, and the smell of what you’re writing about.

  • Add a post card, photos, artwork by you or a family member, a story or poem you may have written (even one from long ago), a bookmark, or other small item that would be “fun” to receive.

Why Should I Send Letters by Pony Express?

  • Everyone loves the sheer excitement of receiving a Letter In The Mail, instead of bills, and advertisements.

  •  Letters written by hand (versus typed in email) are part of who you are.  You took the time to write a personal note.  It is history.  I have a friend, whose mother past away several years ago.  Colleen still has the grocery list her mother wrote years ago.  She also has the special birthday cards, post cards and anniversary cards her mom wrote.  It brings her comfort to see and touch the paper her mother held in her hand. 

             Keeping in touch with the special people in your life is a way to bring joy and peace into all of your lives.  Be easy on yourself, though.  Choose 1 or 2 people that you care about.  Write down in your calendar or on your to do list a day you can spend 15 minutes on this project.  Let them know you are thinking of them.   If the 15 minutes can be 20 or 30 minutes, choose one event or subject you can describe to them.  You will be amazed at the surge of energy that flows through your body when you drop this note in the mail.  I bet a smile even comes over you as you think of the look on their face when they see a note from you in their mailbox.  Enjoy the good feeling you are giving and receiving.  Send me a note and let me know how it goes…I’ll let you know about the note I send to my Aunt Betty!

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